Google Voice iPhone app rejected, current GV apps lose connection with iTunes

Perhaps the big G spoke too soon when it said its new
Google Voice service was coming to iPhone. First, GV Mobile
developer Sean Kovacs relays a phone call he had with Apple where
he was notified of his app being removed from the iTunes store for
duplicating built-in iPhone features -- an app that was originally
and purportedly approved by Phil Schiller himself. Next out the
door was GVdialer, and if you thought that was all bad, now comes
word that Google's official Voice app was flat-out rejected by
Cupertino. Now it's hard to say with certainty who's to blame for
these app rejections, but a good many fingers are pointing to the
cellular carriers -- and given
AT&T's previous statements about the SlingPlayer app, it's
hard to argue with that. For its part, the company hinted at
finding a workaround via web apps, much like they did when Apple
Latitude a cold shoulder -- but doesn't that
feel just a little 2007?

- Official Google Voice App Blocked from App Store

- GV Mobile is getting pulled from App Store

- Sean Kovac's Twitter status on Schiller